Tackling And Preventing Penetrating Damp In The Home
Penetrating damp is a property issue which is often not talked about as much as it should be. One of the main issues with this particular type of damp is the fact that it can occur in almost any kind of property. Therefore it is paramount that swift action is taken in order to address and tackle the issue in order to ensure that it is dealt with effectively.
Why Is Damp A Major Issue?
If you are going to take impactful and decisive action then it is important to understand why damp is a major issue. One of the main reasons why damp is a major issue for any properties it affects is the damage it can do to a property. Penetrating damp is amongst the most damaging forms of damp that can affect a property.
Normally this kind of damp occurs in properties that tend to be older. However , almost any kind of property may have to deal with damp issues at some stage or another. Therefore , it is crucial that meaningful action is taken in order to reduce the impact of penetrating damp on a property as well as limiting its effects so that the problem can be effectively tackled and resolved.
Without treatment penetrating damp can lead to a property becoming increasingly more cold and difficult to live in. Once damp has become well established within a property then it can become difficult and costly in order to remove. Therefore , if possible it is best that this issue is tackled well in advance where possible to ensure that damp is not given an opportunity to spread and start to widely damage a property/household.
What Are The Common Issues Associated With Damp
Penetrating damp often comes along with a catalogue of associated problems which can also have a serious impact on a property and its occupants. Some of the most common issues are the following:
- Mould
- Decreased property value
- Expensive repairs
- Colder and less habitable property
- Can lead to flooding within a property
- Poor heating and energy efficiency
- Building more susceptible to other property defects
Points To Consider When Tackling This Issue
When considering tackling this issue , there are a number of different points which should be taken into account and carefully considered before any decisive action is taken in order to remove or prevent damp within a property.
- Establish the extent of the damp problem. Establishing the overall extent of the damp problem is very important if you want to effectively tackle the damp issue within your property. There are a number of different ways through which this can be done. The best way to do this would be to contact a damp specialist so they can thoroughly inspect any areas of damp and formulate a plan of action.
- Taking further steps to prevent damp from occurring again in future is another important step which you may well wish to consider. Doing this is important as damp can have a detrimental effect on your property and its overall value. Damp proofing your household can help to stop any damp related issues cropping up again in the near future.
- In addition to taking action against damp , you may well wish to consider a full property survey. Having a full property survey done on your property means that you can potentially identify other hidden property issues. This can assist you greatly in preventing property issues from occurring in the near future.